About my work principles 

Focus on strategy behind design decisions 

Ever since I started my career at .comessen, an advertising agency in Essen, Ruhrgebiet, in 2008, I was dedicated to the strategy behind everything I designed. Through the education and training I got both from design school and simultaneously through working in projects for the industry, I gained a lot of insights, why decisions were made and how design can help with the business goals that were given. 


I am eager to find out the "why" that underlies every issue. I believe that design can only be as good as the concept it is relying on, that's why UX strategy is my passion. Beautiful and easy-to-use software or products are the outcome. 

My experience 

With over a decade of experience in the field of design, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project I undertake. My extensive industry experience ensures that I deliver high-quality and innovative solutions. I bring knowledge working for Start-ups, well-established companies, individuals or NGOs to ensure best value for each project.

My background in graphic design allows me to approach UX design from a unique perspective. I understand the importance of visual aesthetics and a seamless UI design integration to enhance user experience, resulting in impactful and visually appealing designs.

I am constantly staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in UX design. My passion for learning drives me to explore new possibilities and push boundaries. I am excited to be at the forefront of UX design in healthcare and AI, shaping the future of user experience for these industries.

About me

Where I find inspiration ... 

So you've come all the way here to find out more about me as a person. I'll share with you what I am enjoying most in my free time. Because I am usually taking pictures myself, there are not many pictures from me in front of the camera. So I used some AI generated images (from krea.ai) that resemble the settings I get most inspiration from. So this is it: 









Design is a journey ...

... and always different. But these core principles will stay the same

Working experience in B-to-B and B-to-C markets, Start-Ups, single persons as well as established businesses, I understand that every business process is different. There is no one-solution-fits-all regarding the design process. The toolboxes that I use can be very different, but I want to show you some core principles that are important to consider, no matter how the final process will look like. 

Understanding the why 

It all begins with understanding the problem — I dive deep, asking the right questions to unearth the core challenges.

  • Brainstorming 
  • Five Whys
  • Clustering
  • Charts/Diagrams
  • Problem statement

Empathy and Research

A cornerstone of my process is empathy, where I connect with users on a profound level, ensuring their needs shape every decision.

  • Observation
  • User Interviews / Surveys
  • Empathy Mapping 
  • Heatmaps 
  • Card sorting


Ideation sparks the creative flame, leading to innovative solutions that align seamlessly with both user expectations and business goals.

  • Ideation sessions
  • Workshops 
  • Card sorting
  • Flowcharts

Prototype and testing 

The iterative design and testing phase refines these concepts, sculpting them into a user-centric masterpiece.

  • Wireframes
  • Prototypes
  • Testing 

I believe in the power of lifelong learning

From building and managing design teams to implementing the latest tools for accessibility – in these fast-paced times, there's always something to learn to stay ahead. As a member of the International Design Foundation (IxDF), the world’s leading online design school, I continually seek to expand my knowledge and skills, making me well-equipped to tackle any design challenge that comes my way.


    Tools change – the ability to be flexible and open minded about new tools and software to get the job done was always something I was able to learn quickly. Over the years, I worked on projects that almost always required me to learn something new. So I have a lot in my toolbox for different use cases - adding constantly to them. Some of them are: 

    Research & Testing

    • Hotjar 
    • Maze 
    • SurveyMonkey 
    • Typeform
    • Desk research
    • Google Analytics

    Design & Develop

    • Adobe XD 
    • Adobe Illustrator 
    • Adobe Dreamweaver 
    • Adobe InDesign
    • Adobe Photoshop 
    • Figma
    • Sketch
    • Miro 
    • Balsamiq 
    • Invision 

    Teamwork & Project Management 

    • Asana 
    • Trello 
    • Jira 
    • Azure DevOps 
    • Notion
    • Miro 
    • Confluence

    Together, let's make the world a better place

    – one design at a time.